The project is based on an innovative teaching concept for intercultural understanding especially with the Danube region. The interdisciplinary approach of HfK+G’s two study programs Communication Design (B. A.) and Advertisement and Market Communication (B. A.) lays the foundation for the 4 workshops carried out throughout the scope of the project continuing these workshop contents during the semester thus embedding them in the curricula of the study programs. 

DAY 1 // TEAM 5 // Doing Site Research

DAY 1 // TEAM 5 // Doing Site Research

Our working spacesThese are our "offices", where we study and live. Since quarantine this is the place where we spend most of our time.Where we would rather workIn this segment we wanted to show, what we think is missing at our working situation and where we would...

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DAY 1 // TEAM 1 // Doing Site Research

DAY 1 // TEAM 1 // Doing Site Research

Freya I am living in an apartment with two other girls. Our home is more than just a place where we sleep and eat. For me it is very important to have a feeling of coming home, especially during this time period, where the center of our vital interest is our home....

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DAY 3+4 // TEAM 4 // Doing a Lookbook

DAY 3+4 // TEAM 4 // Doing a Lookbook

Cartoons/Sketches: If you lack of inspiration just start with anything, maybe some little sketches. Draw your favourite cartoon or maybe you want to practice drawing people in a carricaturistic way. It´s also not bad if it is a little bit chaotic on your sheet of...

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DAY 3+4 // TEAM 3 // Doing a Lookbook

DAY 3+4 // TEAM 3 // Doing a Lookbook

Netflix: Our Liberator The isolation holds us like prisoners. Our own room has become a prison cell. Our everyday life is monotonous and offers little variety. All we can see through our window is always the same. We are alone with our thoughts. We lack motivation,...

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DAY 3+4 // TEAM 2 // Doing a Lookbook

DAY 3+4 // TEAM 2 // Doing a Lookbook

My case with motivation while in complete isolation in the quarantine was a weird thing. Normally I would be pretty motivated while going to classes and getting specific exercises and work to do. As soon as I have nothing to do for example in my vacation I would be...

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DAY 1 // TEAM 3 // Doing Site Research

DAY 1 // TEAM 3 // Doing Site Research

My first day in quarantine was actually Monday last week. Before that I was working "quite normally". But because the second semester has started, I have to stay at home now. First I thought: once I'm in quarantine, I can improve my Spanish, do more sports and read...

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