As for today we discussed what problems
we share in quarantine.
And came to the following results:
Strange feeling to walk around with a facemask.
We all have the problem of facemasks in the supermarket and public places.
Because of them you realize that Corona is a thing and that there is a pandemic.
We can’t meet friends and are suffering from loneliness because of that.
Having nothing to do or are not being able to do things you want to do so eating a lot out of boredom.
– to reduce stress and coping with online lectures.
-Filling the Loneliness inside you, because you can’t meet friends and your social interactions are limited.
– Boredom because things you would normally do and consume time fall away (commuting, social interactions,)
– And last but not least the availability of snacks and sweets.

What we ate over the day



– Lock the fridge
– Don’t buy that much snacks and sweets
– Be more consequent
– Trying to set a goal of how many snacks you are allowed to eat per day
– If you eat a snack you have to do something productive before or afterwards
– Do more sports to feel better (and not gain so much weight)
– Find alternatives (eat vegetables instead of sweets)
– Distract myself (do something else when you feel the need to eat
// Kohl Lukas, Bagó Alexandra, Haim Magdalena
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