The first new thing I discovered about myself was that a became lazier. Normally I’m an “always on the go” person, but since quarantine began I lost my motivation even in a daily basis. But luckily this amount of motivation is enough for me to do my daily workout routine, so hopefully I won’t be a polar bear when it’s over. (Fingers crossed, everything could happen.) So I had to find some „self-time activites”, which is basically studying and training at home. There are days when I watch some movies or series, but since quarantine started, I’m not really interested in sitting in front of my laptop or the TV.Maybe that’s because I desire something what’s more active.The only time I watch a movie is when I’m watching it with my family. To be honest I prefer reading books, getting lost in an another, magical world.The first new thing I discovered about myself was that a became lazier. Normally I’m an “always on the go” person, but since quarantine began I lost my motivation even in a daily basis. But luckily this amount of motivation is enough for me to do my daily workout routine, so hopefully I won’t be a polar bear when it’s over. (Fingers crossed, everything could happen.) So I had to find some „self-time activites”, which is basically studying and training at home. There are days when I watch some movies or series, but since quarantine started, I’m not really interested in sitting in front of my laptop or the TV.Maybe that’s because I desire something what’s more active.The only time I watch a movie is when I’m watching it with my family. To be honest I prefer reading books, getting lost in an another, magical world.
My „must haves” during quarantine:
• my phone• my laptop• my sister (yeah, I need someone to talk to about new hairstyles, etc.)• my little dog, Dante• my whole bookself • supplies for my workout routine
My new „methods” during quarantine:
• videochat• trying out new social media platforms, because of University• checking my e-mail adress all the time• watching a bunch of youtbe videos
[Andrea Balázs]

Well, I’m glad that I have a job, so I am able to start working at 3 in the morning which is crazy. I love my job! I really do. When I allow myself to have some “self-time” I just chill and relax. I love watching series. I have a Netflix and an HBO Go account – I mean, my best friend does and we both use them – I always watch series, movies that just go to my mood, which is why I watch about 15 or 20 series at once. My current favourites are Blacklist, Good Girls, Suits, Brooklyn 99, The Outlander, Dynasty, Grace & Frankie, Supernatural, The Big Bang Theory, A Handmaid’s Tale and Young Sheldon. When I do not want to be in front of the laptop, I’m outside playing with my dog, reading an inspirational book, meditate or doing qigong as a stress relief recently. I also like to cook and bake, but in quarantine, it is NOT a good idea to eat delicious meals and cookies all the time. I always search for new recipes and collect them in my cookbook. I also like photography, but I’m just a beginner. I love taking photos when I travel, which I currently can’t do and that makes me crazy. All I need is the awareness that I have the opportunity to travel safely.
Pandemic here, pandemic there life doesn’t stop! I live in a village next to a forest, it is easy to endure quarantine. I’m an introvert so I would also endure the quarantine time in a downtown apartment. I enjoy life as always…Now I’m starting to appreciate what a beautiful, calm environment I live in. Bird chirping, dog barking, barely hearing a car sound. It’s paradise. To be honest, sometimes I hate living here nothing is here. It’s basically in the middle of nowhere. Only those who live here or get lost are driving on our street. Right now I think it’s the best place to be. Away from the city but not that far away. Did you notice the oxymoron? It’s the way humanity is, give them what they want, and it turns out it’s not what they wanted after all.
[Mercédesz Kovács-Csincsák]

I am stuck in my tiny 29 square meter appartement and if i am being honest with myself it was all my fault. As the first big wave hit germany i was at my parents home. I decided to go „home“ to my small appartement before i can`t go there anymore. I love being alone. I was my whole life kinda alone. I am used to it. I do not really have problems with wasting my time at home. The quarantine gave me time to finally design my poster series about my trip to Japan. Furthermore, i had time to watch the movies i bought. My favorite ones are Parasite, Interstellar, Isle of Dogs and The Silence of the Lambs. I really got into movies again. I watched so many behind the scene videos and interviews of the directors, read about cinematography and art direction. Besides watching movies I started learning new songs/tabs for the guitar and bass guitar. If it was night time or got bored of practicing playing the guitar I would play Nintendo Switch or draw and listen to music. And if Insomnia hit me again i would stay up all night and take photos at the „Neckar“ River early in the morning. But I am looking forward to a normal and healthy future. I just wanna hang out with my friends again.
The world became chaotic and toxic. Going outside is like going into a warzone. And I came too late. All the weopons (toilet paper/soap/disinfectant) are sold out. If you sneeze, cough or look tire you`ll be the biggest enemie on the fields. The outside is completely silent. Birds are chirpping, people are starring. I hate it. There is no reason to go outside anymore.
[Kevin Schefner]